
The Man Who Remembered the Moon
Thoroughly satisfying. A great start as one of the first books from a new small press in Toronto.
Jade Colbert
Globe and Mail

Released this summer through Amazon’s curated Kindle Singles program, in print only this fall, The Man Who Remembered the Moon says something about publishing today. Its publication history is interesting not only for being digital-first but also because, outside poetry and pop-culture series, you rarely see such a slim book in print nowadays: 65 pages, 51 dedicated to the title story. Not every book has to be a multicourse meal, though; sometimes, what you want is a quick bite, and as the latter, this one is thoroughly satisfying.

The Man Who Remembered the Moon
A brilliant novella from a promising new author.
Ventsi Dimitrov
Codices (Sofia, Bulgaria)

What would happen if one day the Moon suddenly disappeared? More over, what would happen if only one man realized that it did and all other people on Earth claim there’s never been such thing as a moon? That’s exactly what David Hull’s novella “The Man Who Remembered the Moon” is about. Although it’s about a bunch of other things, too, like family, love, passion, and even existence. Between the pages of this book one will find what’s the meaning of desperation, but also what’s it like to believe in something so strongly, that nothing, nothing can stand in a person’s way. “The Man Who Remembered the Moon” is not your normal everyday read. The author may think it’s just a story, but it’s rather something more – a philosophical read about man; about his desire to know more, to understand the world around him, and what other people perceive. Things start to look really bizarre when toward the end of the story Dr. Pallister, starts looking deeply into what the protagonist has gathered as research. Daniel has gathered notes on the Moon, it’s oddly lacking mentions in history and so on, and gives them to the doctor. That leads to one of the best plot twists I have recently read in a book or whatever. I don’t have any intention to spoil it for you – read and enjoy it for yourself.
The Man Who Remembered the Moon
It’s a long time since I’ve enjoyed a new piece of writing so much
Bookish Ramblings

It’s an engrossing, fascinating tale, and is the kind of speculative storytelling I love. From the very start, you’re drawn straight into Daniel’s story, becoming complicit with him (because of course, we know the moon is there – don’t we?). We struggle alongside him to comprehend exactly what’s happened and to make sense of the paradigm shift that seems to have taken place in the world – who is mad and who is sane? Who is actually telling the story and who can we believe? It’s a tale that throws up a great number of questions and leaves you thinking about it for a long time afterwards. It’s a long time since I’ve enjoyed a new piece of writing so much – I only wish there was more of it!